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1st Restoration of the Hanna Roundhouse!

In 2018, resurfacing the upper roof deck of the Hanna Roundhouse “Great Hall” over Bays 1-5 was completed.  

Thank you to the Alberta Historic Resource Program grant and the Alberta Culture & Tourism Heritage Ministry for funding the entire cost! 

 In 2017, the Hanna Roundhouse Society entered the roundhouse into a National Heritage initiative to raise funds for heritage sites namely, “This Place Matters”.  Supporters could donate funds directly or go online to view information of each participant and donate to their selected history project online. Funds raised from this initiative and from Hanna Roundhouse Society fundraising were put towards repaying loans the Hanna Roundhouse Society entered into with Special Areas for the $60,000 2014 Building Assessment. 

Thank you to all those who supported “This Place Matters” & other HRS fundraising initiatives.  Please note: All HRS Board & members are volunteers & we do not have paid staff.